Genesis add value for future reUse in panel system..

Genesis add value for future reUse in panel system..

Angie Haynes

Quercus noir
At Genesis we believe strongly in the ability to use our panel in a multitude of ways

We set out to manufacture a panel system that can be utilised in many ways, not just as a traditional wall panel but as a Ceiling, a free standing Screen, a Counter front for a Reception desk, a Retail or display counter front, a Bar Front, a Bed Headboard feature, or simply as a 3D feature or 3D accent within a wall space. 

We work with a number of environmentally friendly wood based fibrous base  cores which enable a number of technical benefits such as MR Moisture resistant and FR Fire Resistant, FSC, and ultra low formaldehyde cores that give safe accreditation to user. 

Our base cores in varying choices of thickness allow for further creativity in design intent, since our system allows for total design freedom we can offer unlimited ways to achieve the visual required, in any scale, pitch or proportion, colour choices, carved designs or finishes. 

We also engineered our panel manufacturing to allow for future milling after first install, the ability to easily remove the panel by use of a simple Aluminium French Cleat lift off hanging system.

Once removed the panel can be ‘Flipped’ on to its rear and be reCarved, reColoured, Refurbished and reUsed in new space,  adding value to the first investment cost, and lessening the need to add to construction waste to landfill. 

Our Genesis base panel cores are not subject to warping and dimensional stability issues so there is no requirement to balance carve the rear when fronts are carved, hence the ability to Flip and recarve a new design at a later stage. 

Our panels can also be manufactured as Slatted wall designs making the product very economical in use yet a great visual design

Genesis MultiSlats can be used for both wall and ceiling use. integrating LED lighting or the use of Biophilic material within the slatted material. 

Furniture construction is another facet of our panel board product core, We can provide a coordinated fixed or loose furniture design. 
our Joinery division can provide a full service to manufacture your complete scheme if required. 

We are continually looking at new ways to bring competitive value to our product line 

Good design should be commercially affordable,  at Genesis it is. 

‘Til the next time…..