Stains & oils

We supply a comprehensive range of Stains and Oils and Paint finishes to work with our Wall Panel designs. 
We do not limit our choices as each customer has a unique requirement and we believe in total freedom of choice to make our product unique. 

We also offer a whole custom range of Finishes that deliver an exciting move from the everyday choices… 

We can develop a specific product to meet a requirement, maybe a client needs to finish a product to meet a specific demand ? 
We listen and develop a solution, our Passion for ‘getting it right’ is where our knowledge and our willingness to work ‘with’  the client really delivers. 

Want an ‘Old distressed Castle Stone’  Wall  ?   No problem,  we can do that, need a Floor finish to match or coordinate. No problem, we can do that 

Challenge us , We love a challenge…..